Monday, May 26, 2014

Amazing Grace

I just had to post this.. Julie Jarvis.. Chris' Mom sent this to me... she has been so blessed with God's grace in sending her the passages we need to see and hear. Words can not describe the awesome feeling we have when something like this is placed before us just when we need it, it is a wonderful comfort.

But I'll take the hand of those who don't know the way, who can't see where they're going.  I'll be a personal guide to them, directing them through unknown country.  I'll be right there to show them what roads to take, make sure they don't fall into the ditch.  These are the things I'll be doing for them -- sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute.  Isaiah 42:16


  1. perfect Julie!!!

  2. The hand of God cradles each of them. While their personal faith and fortitude spurs them on, those of us who cannot witness their well being must remember that the Lord's care for them is not diminished by space or time or distance from our view. They are just as sheltered beneath His wings now as they would be if sitting across the table from us. Perhaps, it is our faith and fortitude which is in question, eh? Be within and without we pray, O Lord, in agreement with the scripture given to Julie.

  3. btw ~ the Tom & Laurie Hart, Brian's folks, are dear friends of ours (the Andrison family)
