Thursday, May 22, 2014


If you could spend your birthday any way you wanted,, would you do it at 11,000' above sea level in the freezing cold alpine reaches of Alaska??  Well we know Clarks answer and it's a resounding YES! (at least for this year anyway)
So if there is anyone out there... give a shout out to Clark on his big day today and wish him well!! As I understand it freeze dried ice cream was stashed in his pack so the guys could celebrate in proper fashion! I sure hope one of them wrapped up a snowball or two for him to open!

Ok, now onto the additional business at hand.... today is scheduled to be a day of much climbing. The guys are climbing from 9700' up to 11,000 at the base of  "Motorcyle Hill". , where they will make their new camp and hunker in for the next day or so.  According to plan they will take tomorrow as a rest day to once again help their bodies acclimate to the new altitude level and to give themselves a break to rest.  The weather at 11,400 today was calling for snow showers and a high only near 3 degrees. Winds out of the south west around 15mph. Tomorrow is looking about the same though no snow is forecast and it is expected to be a few degrees warmer. Almost a balmy 7!
So party is up boys as you have all day tomorrow to sleep it off!  Wishes to Clark for a year filled with blessings and happiness!

Here is a view of the motor cycle hill from base camp.


  1. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Clark, I'm warmer than you!

  2. Happy belated birthday Clark! What a wonderful adventure into reality. Kudos! Todd
