Monday, May 26, 2014

And so it goes..

In the words of the great Willie Wonka.. "Wait a minute, strike that, reverse it"...
so Saturday was sunday, but now Sunday is Monday?? Are you confused yet?  Don't be it's just another built in weather day!!
Jen was happily able to speak with Kirk last evening and once again, the reception was not the best. So the plan for today, is to now do what they planned yesterday and make it up to 14,200. They were able to cache the gear at 13 yesterday and sleep at 11. so that means today they will go from 11 to 14.

They just keep moving along! They are all doing well and Im pretty sure if we could see them now, Kirk would be giving the big thumbs up!! Keep the prayers coming!

1 comment:

  1. Lord, give them strength, calm, the warmth of your love, and good weather in the days ahead. Keep them safe, keep them warm, give them strength and peace of mind with the many prayers that are being sent their way. Keep their families safe and worry free in their absence. In Jesus name, Amen
