Friday, May 30, 2014

Meet Chris & Brian

Chris is a Commercial Airline Pilot for Express Jet, which flies United Express East of the Rocky Mountains and into Canada and Mexico.  He became accustomed to extremely cold temperatures while working on his Bachelor's Degree in North Dakota (at UND) where he also served in the Air National Guard as a Crew Chief for the F-16.  The Lord is first in his life, and he has a very close relationship with Him and helps mentor youth in our community.  He loves the outdoors -- mountaineering, snowboarding, water sports, soccer and camping, among others.  He also loves to travel and experience cultures (and foods) all around the world.  Some of the places he's traveled are:  Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Chili, Argentina, Hong Kong, Thailand, the Philippines, the United Arab Emirates and Nepal, where he hiked up to the Everest Base Camp at over 17,500 feet.  Other interests include photography, painting and playing guitar for worship music.  Chris has an older brother and younger sister, and nothing is more fun or hilarious than getting those three together.  Chris has been looking forward to this Denali climb for a long time and has enjoyed hanging out with these other men over the many months of preparation. Climbing Denali with this group of godly men is a dream come true!

Brian is a Civil Engineer by trade and avid outdoors lover at heart!! Being a faithful Christian man he loves to spend as much time as possible marveling at Gods beautiful blessings of this earth. His main passion is of course hiking and mountaineering, but he also very much enjoys kayaking, hunting and fishing.  There are not many times throughout the year when he isn't doing at least one of these things. He thrives on spending time with his kids  teaching them all about all of his passions and they soak it up  and have developed a strong love for it as well. In the past few years he has discovered the Adirondack mountains in upstate New York and is working hard at climbing all 46 of the high peaks of the region.  He and Kirk have dreamed of climbing Denali for nearly 6 years after conquering Mt. Rainier in 2008 and then Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2009. His goal is to accomplish something very few individuals will ever come close to achieving, while seeing spectacular views that are beyond compare. 

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