Monday, May 19, 2014

Update to Day 3---CONTACT!

What a fantastic sound to hear a voice from so far away! Safe and sound and basically, as I had hoped,, happy!
They said they flew on to the glacier on Sunday and it was just beautiful! What an awesome sight! They were able to spend some time there and even had a chance to throw Frisbee!  How many people do you know can say they threw Frisbee on Mt. McKinley! SWEET!

They said they headed out for their next base camp at 7800' around 4pm and were doing just fine until the bend in the "trail". Once they started heading back up, they ran into a headwind that was non-stop.
And it hasn't stopped yet! They reached camp around 10pm and got straight to work, building snow walls, and getting their tents up and ready. And the winds continued. They are thinking between 40-50mph.

Today they awoke to, you guessed it,, more wind. With gusts up to 60mph, they have made the wise choice to sit put for the day. Many other climbers on the mountain at higher elevations are all experiencing these same winds and are all staying in camp. Of course with those kinds of winds it is very cold so wind chills are well below zero.

Tomorrows weather looks to be clear and a bit warmer, according to NPS weather forecast. So they will make their attempt at 9700 tomorrow and then again come back down to 7800 to sleep.

The guys have built into their planned schedule, 7 weather days to be used exactly as they are using their first one today. So while it may seem that this will delay their summit, it's only delaying their scheduled summit and not their entire chance. With so many days extra built in, they will have plenty of time to sit tight and stay safe and still make their summit attempt.

Please keep the prayers coming!


  1. Hi Kris,

    This is Jon Pratt. I met your husband on Saturday along with the other four guys. After reading your post above wanted to mention they should have made it to basecamp Saturday late afternoon. Saturday around 11:30 I took them to the ranger station and then a quick bite at the Talkeetna Roadhouse and then to TAT (Talkeetna Air Taxi) and all their gear was loaded and they were getting on when I left so I'm assuming they made it then unless something quite odd happened. The pilot they flew in with is a local guy, Trent Griffin (just for a FYI) and they flew in on a single engine turbine otter. My email is if any questions.
