Monday, May 5, 2014

The Main Course

A long time ago, a friend of mine, yep that was Brian, submitted a post asking "how do you eat an elephant?" The answer of course is "one bite at a time". Well, we've been eating elephant for a long time now!   There has been a whole lot happen since Brian and I slowly started heading toward "the great one".  We've both changed jobs.  Both changed addresses.  Both got married.  (Now those are 3 pretty big bites!)  Intertwined within these mouthfuls are countless calls, books, workouts, maps, trips, gear reviews, purchases, more trips, re-purchases, research, more books, more workouts and definitely more calls.  As we lick the last crumbs on the plate, we are now realizing that we have been eating the appetizer, and the "entrée elephant" is just now being brought to the table. What are we going to do when IT is placed on our table in about ten days?  Well...I don't know about everyone else, but I'm going to sit back, take a deep breath, probably fart, say a blessing and get to eating!

...Confidently one bite at a time.  Not confidence in myself, but those around me.  Around the table before me sits 4 of the best guys and greatest friends anyone could ever hope for.  Physical beasts.  Technically sound.  Mentally solid.  Humble and God fearing.  I know this is quite a task that now lays only days before us, but I know that I'm not alone.  I know I am blessed and proud to be a part of this team of fine men.  Men with healthy appetites!

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